An extremely fast and flexible web fuzzer Filebuster is a HTTP fuzzer / content discovery script with loads of features and built to be easy to use and fast! It uses one of the fastest HTTP classes in the world (of PERL) - Furl::HTTP. Also the thread modelling is optimized to run as fast as possible. It packs a ton of features like: Filebuster is updated often. New features will be added regularly. Perl version 5.10 or higher is required FileBuster resources a lot of features to third party libraries. However they can be easily installed with the following command: The Filebuster is a Perl script so no installation is necessary. However, the best way of using Filebuster is by creating a soft link on a directory that is included in the path. For example: Then you will be able to use it system wide Because installing all the dependencies is sometimes not possible, I'm providing a pre-packed binary with all the dependencies built in. It works even on slim Linux distributions. This was achieved by using Perl Packer If you want to pack it yourself, check out the Action's workflow steps and you will find there all the commands you need to run. On the most basic form, Filebuster can be run just using the following syntax: If you want to fuzz the final part of the URL, then you don't need to using the tag The wordlist parameter ( For the complete syntax help with examples, just run A more complex example: This would allow you to fuzz a website with 3 threads to find JSP pages, using a local proxy and hiding all responses with "Error" in the body. You'll need to start by building the container: Afterwards, you can run it like this: If you need to use custom wordlists, remember to map the file, e.g.: You can create an alias in your shell, and make it (almost) seamless: You can now just run it: I've created some wordlists based on different sources around the web together with my own custom payloads that I've came across during my pentests and research. You can find them on the If you have any issues or suggestions feel free to get in touch.cpan -T install YAML Furl Benchmark Net::DNS::Lite List::MoreUtils IO::Socket::SSL URI::Escape HTML::Entities IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapper URI::URL Cache::LRU IO::Async::Timer::Periodic IO::Async::Loop
option will make the installation much quicker but if you run into problems, remove it to allow CPAN to perform the tests per package.ln -s /path/to/ /usr/local/bin/filebuster
. I've integrated this step in the repo so the packaged version will be automatically built when a new version is released. You can download the latest version from the Releases section.filebuster -u http://yoursite/
to indicate where to inject.-w
) is not mandatory as from version 0.9.1. If not specified, Filebuster will attempt to find and load the "Fast" wordlist automatically.-w
- Paths to wordlists to use. You can specify a list here and FileBuster will automatically ignore duplicates. e.g. -w wordlist1.txt ../morewordlists/*.txt
- hides the specified responses codes. E.g. --hc 403,400
- hides responses which contain string in the response body. e.g. --hs "does not exist"
- hides responses which contain string in the headers. Useful to ignore redirects to login pages, for example. e.g. --hsh "login.aspx"
- FileBuster will try every entry in the wordlist with the provided extensions as well. e.g. -e aspx,ashx,asmx
filebuster --help
.filebuster -u http://yoursite/{fuzz}.jsp -w /path/to/wordlist.txt -t 3 -x --hs "Error"
docker build -t filebuster .
docker run -ti --init --rm filebuster -u http://yoursite/
docker run -ti --init --rm -v /path/to/wordlist.txt:/filebuster/mywordlist.txt filebuster -u http://yoursite/ -w /filebuster/mywordlist.txt
alias filebuster="docker run -ti --init --rm filebuster"
filebuster -u http://yoursite/
If you need more wordlists, you should check out the great SecLists repository.