Gitleaks is a SAST tool for detecting and preventing hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repos. Gitleaks is an easy-to-use, all-in-one solution for detecting secrets, past or present, in your code. Gitleaks can be installed using Homebrew, Docker, or Go. Gitleaks is also available in binary form for many popular platforms and OS types on the releases page. In addition, Gitleaks can be implemented as a pre-commit hook directly in your repo or as a GitHub action using Gitleaks-Action. Check out the official Gitleaks GitHub Action Install pre-commit from Create a for a native execution of GitLeaks or use the Auto-update the config to the latest repos' versions by executing Install with Now you're all set! Note: to disable the gitleaks pre-commit hook you can prepend There are two commands you will use to detect secrets; The When running You can scan files and directories by using the If you want to run only specific rules you can do so by using the The NOTE: the When scanning large repositories or repositories with a long history, it can be convenient to use a baseline. When using a baseline,
gitleaks will ignore any old findings that are present in the baseline. A baseline can be any gitleaks report. To create a gitleaks report, run gitleaks with the Once as baseline is created it can be applied when running the detect command again: After running the detect command with the --baseline-path parameter, report output (findings.json) will only contain new issues. You can verify a finding found by gitleaks using a We can use the following format to verify the leak: So in this example it would look like: Which gives us: You can run Gitleaks as a pre-commit hook by copying the example Gitleaks offers a configuration format you can follow to write your own secret detection rules: Refer to the default gitleaks config for examples or follow the contributing guidelines if you would like to contribute to the default configuration. Additionally, you can check out this gitleaks blog post which covers advanced configuration setups. If you are knowingly committing a test secret that gitleaks will catch you can add a You can ignore specific findings by creating a You can always set the exit code when leaks are encountered with the --exit-code flag. Default exit codes below:┌─○───┐
│ │╲ │
│ │ ○ │
│ ○ ░ │
➜ ~/code(master) gitleaks detect --source . -v
│ ○
○ ░
░ gitleaks
Finding: "export BUNDLE_ENTERPRISE__CONTRIBSYS__COM=cafebabe:deadbeef",
Secret: cafebabe:deadbeef
RuleID: sidekiq-secret
Entropy: 2.609850
File: cmd/generate/config/rules/sidekiq.go
Line: 23
Commit: cd5226711335c68be1e720b318b7bc3135a30eb2
Author: John
Date: 2022-08-03T12:31:40Z
Fingerprint: cd5226711335c68be1e720b318b7bc3135a30eb2:cmd/generate/config/rules/sidekiq.go:sidekiq-secret:23
# MacOS
brew install gitleaks
# Docker (DockerHub)
docker pull zricethezav/gitleaks:latest
docker run -v ${path_to_host_folder_to_scan}:/path zricethezav/gitleaks:latest [COMMAND] --source="/path" [OPTIONS]
# Docker (
docker pull
docker run -v ${path_to_host_folder_to_scan}:/path [COMMAND] --source="/path" [OPTIONS]
# From Source (make sure `go` is installed)
git clone
cd gitleaks
make build
name: gitleaks
on: [pull_request, push, workflow_dispatch]
name: gitleaks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: gitleaks/gitleaks-action@v2
GITLEAKS_LICENSE: ${{ secrets.GITLEAKS_LICENSE}} # Only required for Organizations, not personal accounts.
file at the root of your repository with the following content:repos:
- repo:
rev: v8.16.1
- id: gitleaks
pre-commit ID for executing GitLeaks using the official Docker imagespre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit install
➜ git commit -m "this commit contains a secret"
Detect hardcoded secrets.................................................Failed
to the commit command
and it will skip running gitleaks➜ SKIP=gitleaks git commit -m "skip gitleaks check"
Detect hardcoded secrets................................................Skipped
gitleaks [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
detect detect secrets in code
help Help about any command
protect protect secrets in code
version display gitleaks version
-b, --baseline-path string path to baseline with issues that can be ignored
-c, --config string config file path
order of precedence:
1. --config/-c
3. (--source/-s)/.gitleaks.toml
If none of the three options are used, then gitleaks will use the default config
--exit-code int exit code when leaks have been encountered (default 1)
-h, --help help for gitleaks
-l, --log-level string log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal) (default "info")
--max-target-megabytes int files larger than this will be skipped
--no-color turn off color for verbose output
--no-banner suppress banner
--redact redact secrets from logs and stdout
-f, --report-format string output format (json, csv, junit, sarif) (default "json")
-r, --report-path string report file
-s, --source string path to source (default ".")
-v, --verbose show verbose output from scan
Use "gitleaks [command] --help" for more information about a command.
and protect
command is used to scan repos, directories, and files. This command can be used on developer machines and in CI environments.detect
on a git repository, gitleaks will parse the output of a git log -p
command (you can see how this executed
git log -p
generates patches which gitleaks will use to detect secrets.
You can configure what commits git log
will range over by using the --log-opts
flag. --log-opts
accepts any option for git log -p
For example, if you wanted to run gitleaks on a range of commits you could use the following command: gitleaks detect --source . --log-opts="--all commitA..commitB"
See the git log
documentation for more information.--no-git
option (with a rule ID as a parameter), this flag can be used multiple times. For example: --enable-rule=atlassian-api-token
will only apply that rule. You can find a list of rules here.protect
command is used to scan uncommitted changes in a git repo. This command should be used on developer machines in accordance with
shifting left on security.
When running protect
on a git repository, gitleaks will parse the output of a git diff
command (you can see how this executed
here). You can set the
flag to check for changes in commits that have been git add
ed. The --staged
flag should be used when running Gitleaks
as a pre-commit.protect
command can only be used on git repos, running protect
on files or directories will result in an error message.--report-path
parameter.gitleaks detect --report-path gitleaks-report.json # This will save the report in a file called gitleaks-report.json
gitleaks detect --baseline-path gitleaks-report.json --report-path findings.json
git log
Example output:Finding: aws_secret="AKIAIMNOJVGFDXXXE4OA"
RuleID: aws-access-token
Entropy: 3.65
File: checks_test.go
Line: 37
Commit: ec2fc9d6cb0954fb3b57201cf6133c48d8ca0d29
Author: Zachary Rice
Date: 2018-01-28T17:39:00Z
Fingerprint: ec2fc9d6cb0954fb3b57201cf6133c48d8ca0d29:checks_test.go:aws-access-token:37
git log -L {StartLine,EndLine}:{File} {Commit}
git log -L 37,37:checks_test.go ec2fc9d6cb0954fb3b57201cf6133c48d8ca0d29
commit ec2fc9d6cb0954fb3b57201cf6133c48d8ca0d29
Author: zricethezav <>
Date: Sun Jan 28 17:39:00 2018 -0500
[update] entropy check
diff --git a/checks_test.go b/checks_test.go
--- a/checks_test.go
+++ b/checks_test.go
@@ -28,0 +37,1 @@
+ "aws_secret= \"AKIAIMNOJVGFDXXXE4OA\"": true,
script into
your .git/hooks/
directory.# Title for the gitleaks configuration file.
title = "Gitleaks title"
# Extend the base (this) configuration. When you extend a configuration
# the base rules take precedence over the extended rules. I.e., if there are
# duplicate rules in both the base configuration and the extended configuration
# the base rules will override the extended rules.
# Another thing to know with extending configurations is you can chain together
# multiple configuration files to a depth of 2. Allowlist arrays are appended
# and can contain duplicates.
# useDefault and path can NOT be used at the same time. Choose one.
# useDefault will extend the base configuration with the default gitleaks config:
useDefault = true
# or you can supply a path to a configuration. Path is relative to where gitleaks
# was invoked, not the location of the base config.
path = "common_config.toml"
# An array of tables that contain information that define instructions
# on how to detect secrets
# Unique identifier for this rule
id = "awesome-rule-1"
# Short human readable description of the rule.
description = "awesome rule 1"
# Golang regular expression used to detect secrets. Note Golang's regex engine
# does not support lookaheads.
regex = '''one-go-style-regex-for-this-rule'''
# Golang regular expression used to match paths. This can be used as a standalone rule or it can be used
# in conjunction with a valid `regex` entry.
path = '''a-file-path-regex'''
# Array of strings used for metadata and reporting purposes.
tags = ["tag","another tag"]
# Int used to extract secret from regex match and used as the group that will have
# its entropy checked if `entropy` is set.
secretGroup = 3
# Float representing the minimum shannon entropy a regex group must have to be considered a secret.
entropy = 3.5
# Keywords are used for pre-regex check filtering. Rules that contain
# keywords will perform a quick string compare check to make sure the
# keyword(s) are in the content being scanned. Ideally these values should
# either be part of the idenitifer or unique strings specific to the rule's regex
# (introduced in v8.6.0)
keywords = [
# You can include an allowlist table for a single rule to reduce false positives or ignore commits
# with known/rotated secrets
description = "ignore commit A"
commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B"]
paths = [
# note: (rule) regexTarget defaults to check the _Secret_ in the finding.
# if regexTarget is not specified then _Secret_ will be used.
# Acceptable values for regexTarget are "match" and "line"
regexTarget = "match"
regexes = [
# note: stopwords targets the extracted secret, not the entire regex match
# like 'regexes' does. (stopwords introduced in 8.8.0)
stopwords = [
# This is a global allowlist which has a higher order of precedence than rule-specific allowlists.
# If a commit listed in the `commits` field below is encountered then that commit will be skipped and no
# secrets will be detected for said commit. The same logic applies for regexes and paths.
description = "global allow list"
commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B", "commit-C"]
paths = [
# note: (global) regexTarget defaults to check the _Secret_ in the finding.
# if regexTarget is not specified then _Secret_ will be used.
# Acceptable values for regexTarget are "match" and "line"
regexTarget = "match"
regexes = [
# note: stopwords targets the extracted secret, not the entire regex match
# like 'regexes' does. (stopwords introduced in 8.8.0)
stopwords = [
comment to that line which will instruct gitleaks
to ignore that secret. Ex:class CustomClass:
discord_client_secret = '8dyfuiRyq=vVc3RRr_edRk-fK__JItpZ' #gitleaks:allow
file at the root of your repo. In release v8.10.0 Gitleaks added a Fingerprint
value to the Gitleaks report. Each leak, or finding, has a Fingerprint that uniquely identifies a secret. Add this fingerprint to the .gitleaksignore
file to ignore that specific secret. See Gitleaks' .gitleaksignore for an example. Note: this feature is experimental and is subject to change in the future.0 - no leaks present
1 - leaks or error encountered
126 - unknown flag