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Wappalyzer identifies technologies on websites, such as CMS, web frameworks, ecommerce platforms, JavaScript libraries, analytics tools and more.

If you don't have time to configure, host, debug and maintain your own infrastructure to analyse websites at scale, we offer a SaaS solution that has all the same capabilities and a lot more. Our apps and APIs not only reveal the technology stack a website uses but also company and contact details, social media profiles, keywords and metadata.


Quick start

git clone https://github.com/wappalyzer/wappalyzer.git
cd wappalyzer
yarn install
yarn run link


Command line

node src/drivers/npm/cli.js https://example.com

Chrome extension

  • Go to about:extensions
  • Enable 'Developer mode'
  • Click 'Load unpacked'
  • Select src/drivers/webextension

Firefox extension

  • Go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  • Click 'Load Temporary Add-on'
  • Select src/drivers/webextension/manifest.json


A long list of regular expressions is used to identify technologies on web pages. Wappalyzer inspects HTML code, as well as JavaScript variables, response headers and more.

Patterns (regular expressions) are kept in src/technologies/. The following is an example of an application fingerprint.


"Example": {
  "description": "A short description of the technology.",
  "cats": [
  "cookies": {
    "cookie_name": "Example"
  "dom": {
    "#example-id": {
      "exists": "",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "example-class"
      "properties": {
        "example-property": ""
      "text": "Example text content"
  "dns": {
    "MX": [
  "js": {
    "Example.method": ""
  "excludes": "Example",
  "headers": {
    "X-Powered-By": "Example"
  "html": "<link[^>]example\\.css",
  "text": "\bexample\b",
  "css": "\\.example-class",
  "robots": "Disallow: /unique-path/",
  "implies": "PHP\\;confidence:50",
  "requires": "WordPress",
  "requiresCategory": "Ecommerce",
  "meta": {
    "generator": "(?:Example|Another Example)"
  "probe": {
    "/path": ""
  "scriptSrc": "example-([0-9.]+)\\.js\\;confidence:50\\;version:\\1",
  "scripts": "function webpackJsonpCallback\\(data\\) {",
  "url": "example\\.com",
  "xhr": "example\\.com",
  "oss": true,
  "saas": true,
  "pricing": ["mid", "freemium", "recurring"],
  "website": "https://example.com",

JSON fields

Find the JSON schema at schema.json.

Required properties

catsArray One or more category IDs.[1, 6]
websiteStringURL of the application's website. "https://example.com"

Optional properties

descriptionString A short description of the technology in British English (max. 250 characters). Write in a neutral, factual tone; not like an ad."A short description."
iconStringApplication icon filename."WordPress.svg"
cpeString CPE is a structured naming scheme for technologies. To check if a CPE is valid and exists (using v2.3), use the search). "cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server
saasBoolean The technology is offered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), i.e. hosted or cloud-based.true
ossBoolean The technology has an open-source license.true
pricingArray Cost indicator (based on a typical plan or average monthly price) and available pricing models. For paid products only.

One of:

  • lowLess than US $100 / mo
  • midBetween US $100 - $1,000 / mo
  • highMore than US $1,000 / mo

Plus any of:

  • freemium Free plan available
  • onetime One-time payments accepted
  • recurring Subscriptions available
  • poa Price on asking
  • payg Pay as you go (e.g. commissions or usage-based fees)
["low", "freemium"]

Implies, requires and excludes (optional)

impliesString | Array The presence of one application can imply the presence of another, e.g. WordPress means PHP is also in use."PHP"
requiresString | Array Similar to implies but detection only runs if the required technology has been identified. Useful for themes for a specific CMS."WordPress"
requiresCategoryString | Array Similar to requires; detection only runs if a technology in the required category has been identified."Ecommerce"
excludesString | Array Opposite of implies. The presence of one application can exclude the presence of another."Apache"

Patterns (optional)

cookiesObjectCookies.{ "cookie_name": "Cookie value" }
domString | Array | Object Uses a query selector to inspect element properties, attributes and text content. { "#example-id": { "property": { "example-prop": "" } } }
dnsObject DNS records: supports MX, TXT, SOA and NS (NPM driver only). { "MX": "example\\.com" }
jsObject JavaScript properties (case sensitive). Avoid short property names to prevent matching minified code.{ "jQuery.fn.jquery": "" }
headersObjectHTTP response headers.{ "X-Powered-By": "^WordPress$" }
htmlString | Array HTML source code. Patterns must include an HTML opening tag to avoid matching plain text. For performance reasons, avoid html where possible and use dom instead."<a [^>]*href=\"index.html"
textString | Array Matches plain text. Should only be used in very specific cases where other methods can't be used.\bexample\b
cssString | Array CSS rules. Unavailable when a website enforces a same-origin policy. For performance reasons, only a portion of the available CSS rules are used to find matches."\\.example-class"
probeObject Request a URL to test for its existence or match text content (NPM driver only).{ "/path": "Example text" }
robotsString | Array Robots.txt contents."Disallow: /unique-path/"
urlString | ArrayFull URL of the page."^https?//.+\\.wordpress\\.com"
xhrString | ArrayHostnames of XHR requests."cdn\\.netlify\\.com"
metaObjectHTML meta tags, e.g. generator.{ "generator": "^WordPress$" }
scriptSrcString | Array URLs of JavaScript files included on the page."jquery\\.js"
scriptsString | Array JavaScript source code. Inspects inline and external scripts. For performance reasons, avoid scripts where possible and use js instead."function webpackJsonpCallback\\(data\\) {"


Patterns are essentially JavaScript regular expressions written as strings, but with some additions.

Quirks and pitfalls

  • Because of the string format, the escape character itself must be escaped when using special characters such as the dot (\\.). Double quotes must be escaped only once (\"). Slashes do not need to be escaped (/).
  • Flags are not supported. Regular expressions are treated as case-insensitive.
  • Capture groups (()) are used for version detection. In other cases, use non-capturing groups ((?:)).
  • Use start and end of string anchors (^ and $) where possible for optimal performance.
  • Short or generic patterns can cause applications to be identified incorrectly. Try to find unique strings to match.


Tags (a non-standard syntax) can be appended to patterns (and implies and excludes, separated by \\;) to store additional information.

confidence Indicates a less reliable pattern that may cause false positives. The aim is to achieve a combined confidence of 100%. Defaults to 100% if not specified. "js": { "Mage": "\\;confidence:50" }
version Gets the version number from a pattern match using a special syntax. "scriptSrc": "jquery-([0-9.]+)\.js\\;version:\\1"

Version syntax

Application version information can be obtained from a pattern using a capture group. A condition can be evaluated using the ternary operator (?:).

\\1Returns the first match.
\\1?a: Returns a if the first match contains a value, nothing otherwise.
\\1?a:b Returns a if the first match contains a value, b otherwise.
\\1?:b Returns nothing if the first match contains a value, b otherwise.
foo\\1 Returns foo with the first match appended.