XSS'OR - Hack with JavaScript. You can have a try: https://xssor.io and http://xssor.io/ It contains three major modules: Encode/Decode, Codz, Probe. Python 3 with Django 3.0.* or Python 2 with Django 1.11.* Browser http://[yourip]:8000 to enjoy. If you want to deploy it with Nginx, you can use uWSGI. If you want to delete probe automatically, you can use crontab to this script file(xssor/probeclear.py). Try it by yourself. You can build this project with docker Run the app with BE EVIL, DON'T BE BAD.xssor.cmd_url = location.protocol + '//xssor.io/cmd'; // replace xssor.io to your domain or ip address
docker build -t xssor:latest .
docker run -d -p [port]:8000 xssor:latest [probe domain or ip]
UPDATE: 2020/07/28
*. Increase support for docker.
UPDATE: 2020/02/05
*. Compatible with Python 2 and Python 3.
*. Compatible with Django 1.11.* and Django 3.0.*.
*. Fix some bugs.
UPDATE: 2018/07/29
*. Compatible with HTTP and HTTPS.
UPDATE: 2017/09/23
*. Upgrade JS BEAURIFY.
*. Fix PACKER/UNPACKER error bug.
UPDATE: 2017/08/20
*. Increase support for mobile more friendly.
UPDATE: 2017/08/13
*. Fix Probe bug to file:// protocol.
*. Fix Probe bug in mobile app while without cookie.
*. Improve Probe Status.
UPDATE: 2017/05/07
*. Encode/Decode, enhanced.
*. Codz, enhanced.
*. Probe, free to try.
*. Complete rewriting with Python, Django, Bootstrap, jQuery, ...
*. Independent domain: xssor.io.