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Best way to create a Phishing Page | AdvPhishing

This article aims to be a comprehensive guide for Adv-Phis tool. In this article, we will cover topics such as Introduction to Adv-Phis, and how to install Adv-Phis on Android Device using Termux. If you’ve heard the term but are unsure of what it means, Phishing is a type of social engineering attack of tricks an individual to enter sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and credit card details. It can be done by any individual with a mere basic requirement of Kali Linux (or any other Linux Distribution). So Let’s Get Started.


In this tutorial, we will be using the AdvPhishing tool to create the phishing page. The below steps are shown how you can use this tool to create a phishing page using Android or a Linux Operating System. 
We have divided the below steps into 2 subcategories.
  1. Prerequisite
  2. Steps to Create a phishing page


In this step, we will create an account on ngrok website, and then we will get the token which will help us to create the phishing page in further steps. 

Getting Token

Go to and log in to the application. If you haven’t created an account then create one and then log in.

After login into the dashboard, copy the token as shown in the below screenshot. 

Now we have the ngrok Token.

Steps to create a phishing page on Android and Linux Operating System

In the below steps, we will see how to use the AdvPhishing tool to create the phishing page on the Android or Linux Operating System.


First Install the Termux Application from the below URL or search for “Termux” on the Play store. 

After Installing, open the Termux application and run the below commands one by one.
pkg install git
git clone
cd AdvPhishing/
chmod 777 *

When it asks for a token, paste the token which you get from the above steps. Now see the available options and create the phishing page.

That’s it, we have successfully created a phishing page and now you can send this URL to anyone, and if that person will enter the Username and password then you can see this username and password on your device.

Note: If the URL is not created then enable your Mobile HotSpot to get the URL.


Open the terminal and type the below commands one by one.
git clone 
cd AdvPhishing/
chmod 777 * 

When it asks for a token, paste the token which you get from the above steps. Now see the available options and create the phishing page.

That’s it, we have successfully created a phishing page and now you can send this URL to anyone and if that person will enter the Username and password then you can see this username and password on your device.

After Clicking on the Phishing Link the user will see something like this.



So, this guide is about Adv-Phis Tool and how to install and run the Adv-Phis tool to create phishing of the user credentials. You can always use the above steps to create the phishing page of any website. If you need any help on how to use Adv-Phis or any other phishing tool, let us know in the comments below.

Piyush Kumawat

Ethical Hacker || Penetration Tester || Gamer || Blogger || Application Security Engineer

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. bella

    I think you have good knowledge.

  2. Anonymous

    commands are not working please help

  3. Unknown

    They entered usename and password but how can I see them

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